A. J. Bermudez is an award-winning writer based in Los Angeles. Her first book, Stories No One Hopes Are About Them, won the Iowa Short Fiction Award and is a current Lambda Literary Award Finalist. Her work has been featured at Sundance, the Yale Center for British Art, the LGBT Toronto Film Festival, and in a number of literary publications, including The Kenyon Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, McSweeney’s, Chicago Quarterly Review, Story, Boulevard, Creative Nonfiction, Electric Literature, The Masters Review, Columbia Journal, Chicago Review, The Offing, Baltimore Review, Epiphany, and LitHub. She is a recipient of the Diverse Voices Award, the PAGE Award, and the Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize, and has been named one of the ISA’s Top 25 Writers to Watch. She currently serves as Editor of The Maine Review. Her work has received support from the Banff Centre, the Cultural Association of Morocco, the Bethany Arts Community, and the Cambridge Writers Workshop. As a former boxer and EMT, Bermudez’s work gravitates toward contemporary explorations of power, privilege, and place.