
Candid “vacation style” pictures for personal use only are permitted on Montalvo’s grounds, and may include the use of tripods and monopods. However, any additional photographic equipment and other uses for such photos require a permit in advance.

Professional Photography
Commercial Filming & Photography

Commercial filming and photography are permitted by appointment only and are subject to the terms and conditions of Montalvo’s Film Production Agreement which includes certain fee, permit and insurance requirements. For details and fees with regard to any of the above, please contact the Events Department by calling 408-961-5829 or emailing events@montalvoarts.org.

Prom Photos

Prom photos are permitted by appointment only and require a simple photo permit. NOTE: Prom photos are only allowed between 9am–3pm on weekends. No entry for prom photos after 3pm.

For a permit, please fill out the following forms and submit them by email to: permits@montalvoarts.org.