I work with men and women of all ages, all backgrounds, non-professional volunteers who respond to calls for participation or who come to me spontaneously after visiting my blog.
I set up groups and organize meetings in locations identified in advance – landscapes, specific architectures, interiors, places of art – then, I create situations and consolidate them using the mediums of photo and video. I expose the work in the form of photographic prints pasted on Dibond, large format poster pasted on the wall, video projected and exhibited.
People, the bodies are there, naked in front of our eyes.
Nudity, recurring in the work, has created a universe over the years which is increasingly offbeat from the real world.
Here, the boundaries are shifted, the person will feel naked and act and move with greater fragility and fear than if they wore clothes.
Somehow I provoke a direct naked confrontation (both gentle and at times brutal, it is head on) with oneself, with the other and with the public. I accompany naked participants during the shoot in order to feel their equal and in harmony with the situation.
This experience is rich. I try to initiate a permissive workspace, open, experimental, where being there reveals the differences of everyday life, where everyone finds a place, a role, is able to play within the time of performance art: a space of freedom ?
Participants will explore areas that are unknown to them, they invent a vocabulary, a language, a way of acting, place, or nakedness, their presence creates a singular form.
Since 2010, I organize ephemeral performance events that show the shooting of photos and videos in public.
Preparatory sketches shape the project, initiate actions, characters, objects, situations … These drawings are the basis of the work and exchange with the participants so that together we improvise on materials collaboratively in the performance time (around 1h to 2h).
I make images to be projected, sounds, sometimes texts for each project, based on the location and circumstance. This material gives a tint, a poem, an intention.
During the action, I guide, I say stop, I observe, I participate, I photograph, I film, I am with the group, naked, in this adventure.